install hadoop

brew install hadoop

#Hadoop 配置单节点使用

使用单节点配置文件目录 /usr/local/Cellar/hadoop/2.8.2/libexec/etc/hadoop

#配置 hdfs-site.xml

设置副本数为 1:

</configuration> #配置 core-site.xml


</configuration> #配置 mapred-site.xml

设置 MapReduce 使用的框架:

</configuration> # 配置 yarn-site.xml


Hadoop 运行

加入启动和停止 Hadoop 的 alias

alias hdstart=" ;"
alias hdstop=" ;" #格式化文件系统

$ hdfs namenode -format #启动 

hdstart #建立用户空间

hdfs dfs -mkdir /user
hdfs dfs -mkdir /user/yourusername # hdfs commands
  1. 查看hdfs root 内容 hdfs dfs -ls / hdfs dfs -ls -R /

2.Creating a Directory hdfs dfs -mkdir /user hdfs dfs -mkdir /user/hduser

3.Copy Data onto HDFS hdfs dfs -put input.txt /user/hduser

4.Retrieving Data from HDFS hdfs dfs -cat /user/hduser/ hdfs dfs -get /user/hduser/ /tmp/

  1. help hdfs dfs -help

  2. Snakebite Snakebite is a Python package, created by Spotify, that provides a Python client library, allowing HDFS to be accessed programmatically from Python applications. The client library uses protobuf messages to communicate directly with the NameNode. The Snakebite package also includes a command-line interface for HDFS that is based on the client library”

    pip install snakebite

    from snakebite.client import Client client = Client(‘localhost’, 8020)

    ~/.snakebiterc { “config_version”: 2, “use_trash”: true, “namenodes”: [ {“host”: “localhost”, “port”: 8020, “version”: 9} ] }

    ➜ hadoop-2.8.0 git:(master) ✗ snakebite –help snakebite [general options] cmd [arguments] general options: -D –debug Show debug information -V –version Hadoop protocol version (default:9) -h –help show help -j –json JSON output -n –namenode namenode host -p –port namenode RPC port (default: 8020) -v –ver Display snakebite version

    commands: cat [paths] copy source paths to stdout chgrp [paths] change group chmod [paths] change file mode (octal) chown [paths] change owner copyToLocal [paths] dst copy paths to local file system destination count [paths] display stats for paths df display fs stats du [paths] display disk usage statistics get file dst copy files to local file system destination getmerge dir dst concatenates files in source dir into destination local file ls [paths] list a path mkdir [paths] create directories mkdirp [paths] create directories and their parents mv [paths] dst move paths to destination rm [paths] remove paths rmdir [dirs] delete a directory serverdefaults show server information setrep [paths] set replication factor stat [paths] stat information tail path display last kilobyte of the file to stdout test path test a path text path [paths] output file in text format touchz [paths] creates a file of zero length usage show cmd usage

    to see command-specific options use: snakebite [cmd] --help

    The snakebite CLI is a Python alternative to the hdfs dfs command.

  3. hadoop streaming example grep input 目录里面,含有多少个 hdfs hadoop jar share/hadoop/mapreduce/hadoop-mapreduce-examples-2.8.2.jar grep input output hdfs

  4. python streaming MapReduce job

    echo $(whoami) echo “start python streaming job “; hdfs dfs -rm -r /user/$(whoami)/output

    hadoop jar share/hadoop/tools/lib/hadoop-streaming-2.8.2.jar
    -files ./python/,./python/
    -mapper -reducer
    -input /user/$(whoami)/input/core-site.xml -output output

    echo “end python streaming job”

    hdfs dfs -cat /user/$(whoami)/output/part-00000

  5. mrjob pip install mrjob